What is Corrosion? Types of Corrosion, Corrosion Testing

What is corrosion that generally occurs as a result of chemical reactions of metal and metal alloy materials over time? What are the types of corrosion and how corrosion tests are done, we examine it closely in this article. What is Corrosion? Corrosion, in its simplest definition, is the rendering of materials unusable due to environmental factors. Usually seen in metals or alloys, this…

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Importance of Fresh Concrete Concrete Vibrator

concrete and vibration

Fresh Concrete Vibration Importance of large grains in the composition by vibration applied to fresh concrete mass placed in the mold and the heavies are low frequency, the thinner and lighter granules act at high frequency. Meanwhile concrete solid grains with a minimum of friction between the internal winning viscous liquid character. acting with Vibration ...

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