What kippers? Es Importance of Iron in Concrete Structures

What is Ciroz? (Reinforced Concrete Formwork Lock, Es Iron)

Tie-lock, also known as mold lock and solid iron, is a supporting steel piece that resembles an "S" shape and is commonly used in reinforced concrete structures. In this article, we examine in detail the kiosk, which makes the iron, which is the cornerstone of the building, more robust in the event of an earthquake. If you are ready, we can start to explain what is kiroz. What is a kilt? Weedy,…

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What concrete vibrators?

concrete vibrators

Concrete vibrators, are used during the vibration producing device for placing the concrete in the mold cavity without concrete. Vibration is very important in concrete construction projects. When poured concrete, concrete structure largely be hundreds or even thousands of air bubbles that may weaken. Concrete vibrators, removes freshly poured concrete shaking vigorously vibrating and eliminate the air bubbles. concrete vibrator during the pouring process ...

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Importance of Fresh Concrete Concrete Vibrator

concrete and vibration

Fresh Concrete Vibration Importance of large grains in the composition by vibration applied to fresh concrete mass placed in the mold and the heavies are low frequency, the thinner and lighter granules act at high frequency. Meanwhile concrete solid grains with a minimum of friction between the internal winning viscous liquid character. acting with Vibration ...

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