Rough Construction What is it? Structural Building Materials

Rough Construction What is it? Structural Building Materials

Rough construction, in its simplest definition, means the construction is completed by 40%. So what is rough construction? After the operations that must be completed in order to start the construction, foundation opening works are started in the area determined by the topographical engineer. The foundation is made ready for use by pouring filling materials and lean concrete. After this process, the necessary iron connections are prepared.

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What kippers? Es Importance of Iron in Concrete Structures

What is Ciroz? (Reinforced Concrete Formwork Lock, Es Iron)

Tie-lock, also known as mold lock and solid iron, is a supporting steel piece that resembles an "S" shape and is commonly used in reinforced concrete structures. In this article, we examine in detail the kiosk, which makes the iron, which is the cornerstone of the building, more robust in the event of an earthquake. If you are ready, we can start to explain what is kiroz. What is a kilt? Weedy,…

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