What kippers? Es Importance of Iron in Concrete Structures

Kiroz, also known as mold lock and reinforcing bar, is a supporting steel piece that is commonly used in reinforced concrete structures and resembles an “S” shape. In this article, we examine the kiroz, which provides the iron, which is the cornerstone of the building, to become more solid. If you're ready what is skinny We can start with.

What is Skinny?

Kiroz is the name given to the stirrup-shaped mold lock, which is generally used in the construction of curtains or columns in reinforced concrete structures. In cases where stirrups cannot be used, the preferred kiosk is made of steel material and allows to hold the vertical reinforcement. It is also used to reduce bending length and prevents the concrete from swelling.

There are some vital rules to be aware of when using kippers. Structures that do not meet these rules act against earthquake regulations. For this reason, it is extremely important to use the kiroz under suitable conditions.

  • In the event of a possible earthquake, it is necessary to bend the ends of the knee 135 degrees in order not to separate the knee from the concrete. Although this rate is specified as 90 degrees in the earthquake regulations, it is ideal to bend the knee 135 degrees in order to ensure the full interlocking. For this reason, we recommend using it with 135 degree bending.
  • In accordance with the related article of the earthquake regulation, the kiosk should be used at least 4 pieces / m² apart from the critical curtain height and at least 10 pieces / m² along the critical curtain height.
  • The kiosks used in the columns, curtain end areas, beam-column joints and beam wrapping places of the reinforced concrete structures that are constructed in the earthquake zone and whose ductility level is normal or high must be used in accordance with the earthquake regulations.
  • During the pouring of the concrete, the kippers should be fixed to each other with a steel tie wire. Otherwise, the force applied during the pouring of the concrete is likely to displace the kiosks.
  • The reinforcement must be grasped from the outside and the spacing and diameter of the special earthquake knocks must be exactly the same as the stirrup spacing and diameter.
  • Rare use of kyphosis may cause weak area during earthquake. At the same time, it may be impossible to remove the jammed knobs due to the vibration caused by the operation of the vibrator as a result of the rare use of the mold lock.
  • In areas where kiosks are used, it is necessary to wrap the reinforcement on both ends.
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