Importance of Fresh Concrete Concrete Vibrator

concrete and vibration

concrete vibrator and its effect on concrete quality

Importance of Vibration in Fresh Concrete

With the vibration applied to the fresh concrete placed in the mold, the coarse grains and
kütlesi ağır olanlar düşük frekanslarla, ince ve hafif taneler ise yüksek frekanslarla hareket ederler. Bu esnada beton viskoz bir karakter kazanarak katı taneler ile sıvı arasındaki iç sürtünme minimuma iner. Vibrasyon ile harekete geçen hava kabarcıkları dışarı kaçabilme olanağı bulur. Tanelerin titreşimi sonucu oluşan kayma gerilmeleri taze betonda yapışma ve kenetlenmeden doğan iç sürtünme ile kalıp ve donatı ile arasında oluşan dış sürtünmeyi yenerek taze beton akışkan bir sıvıya dönüştürür. Beton bileşimindeki iri taneler ile çimento hamuru arasındaki yapışma direnci geçici olarak sıfıra indirgenir. Vibrasyonda en önemli faktörler oluşturulan dalganın frekansı ve genliği, dolayısıyla ivmesidir. Vibrasyon sırasında betonun içerisindeki ivme değerleri 20 g ile 150 g arasında değişmektedir. İvme değeri dalıcı vibratörlerde kaynaktan uzaklaştıkça homojen bir şekilde azalmaktadır. İvmenin yüksek olması frekans ve genliğin tek tek veya beraberce
it depends on the high. Vibrators whose frequency varies between 3,000 and 30,000 rev/min are used in concrete technology. In addition, for special purposes surface vibratorss and vibrations mastarare used.
After a certain period of time after the first vibration, re-vibration is applied to these two
The time elapsed between applications is called the revision period. Prefabricated
Controlled revision in systems, plastic shrinkage in fresh concrete
No cracks and the concrete quality by demonstrating positive effects on sweating
raises. However, the time between the first vibration and the revitalization is undoubtedly the socket.
depends on the duration. Compressive strengths are positive with the application made before the start of the set.
cement crystals in the application after the setting starts.
Since new crystals are not formed and breaking the bonds between the results thereof
compressive strength may decrease. Therefore, before the start of the revival
needs to be implemented.

Vibration Effects on Quality Concrete

Inadequate placement results in a hollow and inhomogeneous concrete interior with local defects.
give rise to the structure. Inadequate insertion in addition to low strength
In addition, harmful substances such as water, chlorides, sulfates, oxygen and carbon dioxide are removed from the concrete.
As a result of its penetration, it causes corrosion on concrete and reinforcement. also
These gaps formed in the concrete weaken the adherence between the concrete and the reinforcement. in concrete
space, which facilitates the movement of liquids, gases and ions, leading to increased permeability.
minimizing the volume should be the main purpose of the placement. Each 1% air gap remaining in the concrete creates a loss of strength of approximately 6%. voids in fresh concrete
reducing the strength and durability of concrete structures affected positively by the service
will increase its lifespan. diver concrete vibrators In a study using cyclic vibration, it was determined that the 28-day compressive strength of concrete increased between 6.9% and 18.7% depending on the concrete composition.

Types of Concrete Vibrator

1.Internal Vibrators: Also known as submersible vibrator or internal vibrator. It is used by immersing the vibrating tip into the concrete and has a very common use.
2.External Vibrators: Also known as external vibrators or external vibrators, these vibrator patterns are made by attaching them.
3.Vibrating Tables
4.surface VibratorsNext: Compactors, apply vibration to the concrete surface.

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